As you know, due to the projected reduction in tax revenues from the recent economic crisis, Texas must reduce the size of its $87 billion biennial budget by approximately $15 billion.
Election Night Analysis
Throughout the night we’ll post updated election night analysis and updates.
Build It and They Will Pay
State wide area transit authorities have been making headlines for their poor budgeting and planning. That means they are operating business as usual and taxpayers are going to be left holding the bill.
2011: The Healthcare Odyssey
Predictions are that the Texas 2011 legislative session is going be ugly. Redistricting will be at the forefront of that ugliness despite comments from the DOJ that politics will be removed from the process. Equally as impotent are the claims that a moderate Speaker will be able to keep things civil.
Rejecting Federalism Is Not Amusing
All across Texas citizens are calling for a renewed commitment to the 10th amendment and a reinvigorated adherence to the principle of Federalism and the doctrine of enumerated powers.
The Revolving Door of Healthcare Reform
As the healthcare reform world turns we see another rendition to the ever evolving proposals from Washington. This time it comes from the White House in the form of the regulation of premium levels. Although premium levels are certainly a concern, addressing high premiums by regulating them is akin to telling a patient to stop bleeding instead of addressing the gash in his leg.
The Trek Towards Socialism
While Texas remains one of the few bright spots in an otherwise bleak national economy, our federal government is on an unfettered march toward attempting to solve the problems our nation faces — real or perceived — by evoking the failed socialist policies of the past.
HCC Annexation and additional taxing authority over Spring Branch ISD
The Houston Community College proposes a maximum of $2,000,000 worth of benefit to the Spring Branch Independent School Dsistrict, while at the same time taxing the residence of SBISD $15,000,000 each year.
New direction for the GOP
Now that the dust from the election has settled, we can see more clearly the direction in which we should proceed;or can we?
Enough (Tax) Money to Burn a Wet Mule
Rarely is a verbal response to a budget surplus seen that tickles my fancy, so when it happens, there are little tingles in my arm hair.
“Cut our taxes and give it back. Don’t just waste it on junk. Just like when they need more money they raise taxes, when they have extra they should give it back.”
– Upper Valley homeowner Farzad Malekzadeh
Amen brother.