Before being placed on the November ballot for voter approval, the bill will need two-thirds support in the Texas Senate.
Brandon Waltens
Texas House to Vote on Constitutional Prohibition of Income Tax
Will Texas Democrats go on record for taxing the take-home pay of hardworking Texans?
Will House Approve Ban on Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying?
State Sen. Bob Hall’s bill is the last remaining legislative vehicle this session for enacting a ban.
Texas House Approves Ban on Red-Light Cameras
The legislation marks the first bill passed out of the chamber by State Rep. Jonathan Stickland, who is currently serving his fourth term in the Texas House.
Sales Tax Increase Proposal Dies in Texas House
Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and House Speaker Dennis Bonnen had championed the proposed tax increase just days before its demise.
Legislative Budget Board Projects Sales Tax Hike Will Hurt Most Texans
Around 75 percent of Texans could bear a higher tax burden, according to new numbers from the State.
Abbott, Patrick, and Bonnen Sticking with Sales Tax Increase
“I hope we get enough votes to make this a constitutional amendment,” said Patrick.
With Deadline Approaching, House Decides to Take Weekend Off
On Thursday, May 9, the final day a House bill can be passed, many bills will be left on the calendar without a vote.
Geren Amendment Makes Tax Appeals Harder for Citizens
The amendment, which requires property tax counselors to be licensed attorneys, was quickly added without objection from a single member of the Texas House.
Conservative Student Event Disrupted by Smoke Bomb
The incident happened just hours after the Texas House gave tentative approval to legislation protecting free speech on campuses.