Taral Patel allegedly created fake social media accounts to post racist comments about himself.

Taral Patel allegedly created fake social media accounts to post racist comments about himself.
Kyliel Denzel Arceneaux is alleged to have pistol-whipped, shot, and then run over the body of Nelson Beckett before fleeing with his vehicle.
The original Texas Central project was estimated to cost $10 billion, but after years of delay, it is now estimated by some to cost as much as $40 billion.
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo requested support for increasing the flood control district tax to assist with maintenance.
According to a former Houston City Controller, the bond will cost roughly $11 billion to pay back when interest is factored in, although the district has said the number is $8.8 billion.
In recent years, the Harris County jail has come under fire from inmates, families, and the Texas Commission on Jail Standards.
The county’s disaster declaration from this year allows officials to exceed the 3.5 percent state-imposed property tax cap and instead approve an 8 percent increase.
The Houston mayor has proposed an ordinance to ban protests within 200 feet of private dwellings.
The seat is open due to the death of U.S. Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee.
Former Harris County employee Daryl Blackburn is facing six felony charges.