The lieutenant governor won re-election on an agenda of increasing teacher pay and cutting property taxes.

The lieutenant governor won re-election on an agenda of increasing teacher pay and cutting property taxes.
“Texas Election Code makes it illegal for a poll worker to permit an ineligible voter to vote.”
While Gov. Greg Abbott has spent more than $20 million campaigning since January, those dollars have been spent more to the benefit of other campaigns rather than his own.
According to rumors, Zerwas’ decision to exit the race comes as the result of a meeting of roughly forty House Republicans in Austin.
Clardy and House Democrats will only have the power to elect him speaker if Republicans surrender to him.
Harris County Republican voters should be asking questions.
Every lawmaker, every organization, and every citizen has issues that are important to them.
In a currently ongoing poll by the New York Times, Cruz has a commanding lead over his Democrat opponent.
Perhaps no greater window into what side lawmakers stand on is how they voted in the special session called by Gov. Greg Abbott.
Any Republican lawmaker who strikes another Straus-ian bargain, where his election as speaker relies on the support of Democrat lawmakers, will always be beholden to them.