A profit-ban is the final shape an El Paso City Council ordinance has taken in an effort aimed at animal control.
David Smith
White’s Toxic Insurance Fix
Insurance is heavily regulated. Bananas aren’t regulated at all. Which industry’s prices do you prefer?
Senate forgets to name bill, Statesman runs cover
We already know the U.S. Senate doesn’t bother to read legislation it passes. That would be, like, hard.
It now looks like naming legislation is a bit too much to expect from our fat and happy would-be rulers.
Low Tax Burdens Attract Talent
Low Florida taxes won the Miami Heat LeBron James, it seems.
Thinking Like Adults
A side-by-side comparison of Texas Republican Party and Texas Democratic Party 2010 platforms has been completed by a conservative group, Texas Conservative Coalition. The results say a lot about what the parties believe.
Liberals Don’t Get It
Sometimes you just have to laugh at liberals.
State Rep. Garnet Coleman has offered a side-by-side comparison of Texas Democratic Party and Texas Republican Party platforms on issues of his choosing.
Filming Favors
Political fool’s gold is the result of good intentions mixed with unwise policy. Texas has political fool’s gold in the form of tax incentives designed to attract the film industry. Texas lawmakers need to take a machete to these film industry favors.
Billl White Provides a Teachable Moment
Bill White and the Sweetheart Hurricane, Michael Quinn Sullivan’s post about how White engaged in crony capitalism to profit from a natural disaster, reminds us of the interplay in American politics between free market capitalism, crony capitalism, and socialism.
No-Bid Contract Discussions at Dallas City Hall
If you’re sick of competing in business, become a State Representative so you can award yourself no-bid contracts.
Don’t Take the ObamaCare Bait
Texans are the most fiercely independent people in the country and if they can bribe and fool us they can bribe and fool anyone.
Enter the Kaiser Foundation, founded by George Kaiser, a campaign contribution bundler for Obama’s 2008 Presidential Campaign. They’re attempting to mute Texas opposition to ObamaCare through a luring new study.