“Tell Your Legislator To Support Transparency!”

“Tell Your Legislator To Support Transparency!”
Several amendments proposed to de-centralize power from the dais failed by considerable margins.
Will Perry and Dewhurst take action to reform spending this session?
After months of legal battles with those on the left looking to the courts to legislate for them, Texas is now officially allowed to keep Planned Parenthood out of the WHP.
Why does a racetrack need a taxpayer-funded subsidy to help pay the bills?
Zedler has, once again, introduced a bill requiring school districts to make their check registers, credit card transactions, and fund balances available for public view.
State Rep. Drew Springer will hold 22 townhalls between December 19 and 20.
The TEA Party Caucus Advisory Committee recently gave an overview of their legislative priorities.
Speaker Straus is calling for additional spending on public education.
State Rep. Menendez’ bill would require you to provide a photo ID any time you use a credit card in a face-to-face transaction.