Local officials are ramping up efforts to oppose legislation that would give taxpayers a fair shake at City Hall.
Destin Sensky
Campbell Seeks to Rein in Soaring Superintendent Salaries
State Sen. Donna Campbell has filed legislation that would encourage transparency and accountability in the contracts of Texas’ public-school superintendents.
Red-Light Camera Ban Filed in House
HB 1631 would institute a statewide, preemptive ban on red light cameras.
Senate Property Tax Committee Adds “Opt-In” to Senate Bill 2
The revised bill allows small taxing units to opt into the newly renamed 2.5% “voter approved tax rate.”
Lobbyist Disclosure Package on the Move in the Texas Senate
Democrat Kirk Watson’s Lobbyist Disclosure Package is headed to the Republican-heavy Senate State Affairs Committee.
Taxpayers Versus Lobbyists at Property Tax Reform Hearing
Taxpayers travelled from across the state to talk about the effect of out-of-control property taxes.
Lawmaker Fights Back Against Taxpayer-Funded Lobbyists
State Rep. Mike Lang fired back at the Texas Municipal League after receiving a letter urging residents to oppose property tax reform.
Nearly $8 Billion Proposed for Abbott’s Mental Health Legislation?
Sen. Jane Nelson’s appropriations act allocates $7.5 billion across 21 state agencies to address mental health with $100 million in new funding dedicated to SB 10.
Who will Lawmakers Listen to on Property Tax Reform?
Cities, counties, and the taxpayer-funded lobby in Austin have gone to great lengths in previous sessions to drown out the demands of taxpaying citizens.
A Big Step in the Right Direction: Examining the Big 3’s Property Tax Reform Plan
The “Big Three” announced a uniform plan for both chambers of the legislature Thursday aimed at overhauling Texas’ skyrocketing property tax problem. But what exactly does the massive bill do?