The True Texas Project, attorney Tony McDonald, and former Round Rock ISD Trustee Danielle Weston shared testimony critical of the state agency.

The True Texas Project, attorney Tony McDonald, and former Round Rock ISD Trustee Danielle Weston shared testimony critical of the state agency.
True Texas Project’s letter comes several days after the Republican Party of Texas addressed issues with the Texas Ethics Commission in a resolution.
The executive committee called for removing the TEC’s authority over private citizens and preventing its further expansion.
The ability, granted by lawmakers in 2017, was taken away from the attorney general after a 2021 ruling by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
The measure will be carried by State Sen. Charles Perry, who introduced a previous measure legalizing the commercial sale of hemp in 2019.
California, New York, and Florida were among the top states from which those moving to Texas hailed.
The prohibition includes the areas of Highway 246 over the Houston Ship Channel and Highway 99’s Cedar Bayou Crossing.
Democrat incumbent Eric Fagan leads Republican challenger Marshall Slot by just over 1,000 votes in the competitive county.
US Foods will receive over $1 million in grants from the Texas Enterprise Fund towards the expansion, which is slated to create 165 new jobs.
Gill was one of four incoming Republican members of Congress to be selected for a freshman leadership position.