Veterans Day is an opportunity to thank those who have served, and consider what sort of nation we ask men and women to defend.
Michael Quinn Sullivan
DOJ Protects D.C. Brothel Customers… As Congress Votes For New FBI Facility
DOJ press release explains “elected officials” among the brothel’s clientele but does not name any of them.
The Enemy of my Enemy?
The righteous cause of liberty is rarely advanced through unholy alliances.
The Broken Deal on School Choice
Dade Phelan and 23 Republican House members broke faith with Greg Abbott and the Texas GOP. What will the governor do about it?
Analysis: They Had Time
House members now claim they did not have time to pass conservative legislation.
House To Abbott: Won’t Pass Choice Without A Payoff
Texas House pushes funding for systems, not students, in a deliberate attack on Greg Abbott’s special session agenda.
O, Woe Is Me!
Rather than star as the martyrs in our self-devised tale of woe, we should actively look for allies in the redemptive story that God is working in our lives.
Paxton: Two Legislators Made Colony Ridge Possible
Attorney General Ken Paxton says Republican lawmakers Ernest Bailes and Robert Nichols are responsible for the creation of the illegal alien housing development.
On Being ‘Right’
Political purity czars are a lonely lot and rarely as pure as they perceive themselves. They trade the joy of warm camaraderie for the faint praise of self-congratulations.
A Declining Church in America
America watched as church leaders in 2020 put the gathering of the saints on par with the meeting of the Rotary Club. Today, those churches are experiencing the results.