Students say “black lives matter” when pushing draconian plan to combat “microaggressions.”

Students say “black lives matter” when pushing draconian plan to combat “microaggressions.”
Tragically, 7,016 have died from the Chinese coronavirus.
A wife’s six-week battle for her husband’s life has been hampered by a hospital and a government mandate.
A woman’s son caught coronavirus despite bans government officials said would protect him from it.
School district drafts controversial plan that will divide students against each other and introduce radical politics.
Three members of the city council say there is no talk of “defunding” police.
Parents are outraged after learning that closed-door meetings are a regular feature of Tarrant County politics, even when it comes to their children’s education.
“It doesn’t feel as safe as it did this past spring or fall before we left, for sure.”
Tragically, 5,038 have died from the Chinese coronavirus.
A mom implores Gov. Greg Abbott to reverse his order and save her son’s life.