For the future of our state and children, it will be up to Texans to hold public servants accountable and for each family to work to restore our culture.

For the future of our state and children, it will be up to Texans to hold public servants accountable and for each family to work to restore our culture.
“All the laws and bills in the world don’t really matter if no one’s here to enforce them.”
“We should prevent this from happening.”
“A man is known by the company he keeps.”
“I hope it never happens in Texas.”
“I think it’s a soured entity that’s spoiled and unchecked because there’s no consequences for the bad behavior.”
“You are mentally and emotionally abusing, traumatizing families daily.”
The state agency that’s marketed as being pro-child is dangerous for children.
The governor’s office, a dangerous state agency, and a mystery.
Texas Military Department shrouds itself in darkness, while Colleyville strolls in sunshine.