“Modern liberal feminists often say that they just want women to have choices, but some are more frank.”
Warren Norred
Norred: The End of Normal?
Have ordinary people had enough to throw off the nonsense, or is it too late?
Norred: Law by Press Release
“I am appalled at this incredible failure to follow basic procedures and the almost whimsical approach to governance.”
Norred: Why Worry About a Harris Presidency?
Kamala Harris put people in jail to bolster her stats when she knew of exonerating evidence. She went on full attack and supported attacks on Justice Kavanaugh based on no evidence.
Norred: Joe Biden and Media Corruption
“We have a hard drive that does nothing but confirm what everyone has always known: Hunter Biden is a tragedy living off of his father.”
Commentary: Arlington Term Limits, Part Deux
The City of Arlington should not be limited to the creativity of a few, just as no skilled painter can be satisfied by paint-by-number tasks assigned to him.
Commentary: Tarrant County’s New Mask Policy
Break out your Lone Ranger and Batman masks.
Commentary: Governor, May I?
Here’s the thing: the governor does not make law, and this virus disaster does not change that.
Commentary: Who and What Killed George Floyd?
Government actions have long-reaching effects.
Commentary: Beware of Trash Masquerading as News
Warren Norred, attorney for Shelley Luther, responds to the news media’s disinformation campaign against his client and movement conservatives.