
Let ‘Em Grumble
Let ‘Em Grumble

When your enemies are complaining about how powerful you are, don’t interrupt them.


Texas A&M’s Pro-choice Advocacy is Despicable, But Remain Hopeful

“Although abortion has wedged its way into our higher education institutions and into our media, there is hope in knowing the brilliant minds who have worked, and who are continuing to work, to reverse toxic pro-choice culture and to save lives, one child at a time.”


Joy For The World

Joy For The World

The birth in Bethlehem only makes sense within the context of the cross at Calvary.

Make It Professional

Make It Professional

Despite their protests to the contrary, politicians like for politics to be intensely personal.

Francis: Theory vs. Reality

Francis: Theory vs. Reality

In the same way that parents who fail to discipline their children are ultimately responsible for the actions of their misbehaving children, citizens who fail to hold elected officials accountable are ultimately responsible.

Ellis: Texas Data

Ellis: Texas Data

Despite predictions of a “blue wave” hitting Texas and putting the state in play for Joe Biden, Republicans once again swept the competitive races.