

A Lasting Impact

Culture pushes us to rate our value by the number of likes and retweets we get from our most recent hot-take. We hope that by “going viral” we will be remembered. It’s not real.

Overturning Tables

The fake Jesus of the modern age is a virtue-signaling tool of the elite, urging obedience to the whims of the self-anointed intelligentsia. The real Jesus drove them out with a whip.

Hopper: Left-Wing Agenda Has Infiltrated the Texas State Guard

“Ultimately, what I witnessed on May 22 was a case of leadership boldly weaponizing the chain of command to indoctrinate a left-wing political agenda of cultural Marxism, critical race theory, and moral relativism upon military forces of the State of Texas.”

No Greater Love …

We have allowed Memorial Day to devolve into a long weekend of mattress sales and cook-outs.

Responding to Lackluster Effort

Incumbents pretend voters’ only option is to replace bad Republicans with worse Democrats, but that isn’t the only choice.


Commentary: ‘The System Is On Fire’

Commentary: ‘The System Is On Fire’

The crisis at the border has intensified, and Congress is doing nothing. Here are two steps the Trump administration can take to regain a modicum of control.

Always Vigilant

Always Vigilant

We must with joy accept the awesome responsibility of self-governance!