
Scandalizing The Faithful

Scandalizing The Faithful

Rather than earn the cheers of our fellow zealots, we should hope for the approval of our Lord and Savior.

Let Them Whine
Let Them Whine

Politicians don’t like informed taxpayers. They don’t like citizens keeping score. Too bad.

Ammon Blair: Unwavering Warrior
Ammon Blair: Unwavering Warrior

“I feel that by defending our rights, our God-given rights through the Constitution, doing that is one of the greatest single efforts that we can do.”

It’s All A Joke
It’s All A Joke

Socialists, progressives, communists, and Marxists are the flat-earthers of political and economic thought. They are not intellectuals sincerely seeking truth; they are the fall-guys in a long, deadly, sick joke.


Chipping Away

If we are to govern our republic, we must first govern ourselves.

Serving Two Masters

For our system of government to work, for liberty to be preserved, politicians must remember they are the citizens’ servants.

Two-Card Monte?

In politics, we’re encouraged to be distracted by the “game” between the Elephants and the Donkeys – even as the Republic is stolen from us.

Choosing Sides

We must spend less time worrying about what side other people are on… and be sure we’re on the right side for the right reasons.


The Tireless Minority

The Tireless Minority

As we go about faithfully setting “brush fires” of liberty, we must remember our allies are of God’s choosing, and that victory will come in God’s time.

Dead Waters

Dead Waters

Situated in the middle of a desert, the Dead Sea is a taunt; drinking its water will kill you as surely as having nothing to drink at all.

Corrupting Princes

Corrupting Princes

Just as we cannot trust government agencies to save us, neither can we outsource our governing responsibilities to corrupt and corrupting politicians.

Kings Die

Kings Die

There can be no “good government” apart from self-governance.

Righteous Zeal?

Righteous Zeal?

What makes zealotry good or bad isn’t the zeal itself, but its object. Scripture makes it clear our zeal must be for the Lord, not for ourselves.

Keep Fighting!

Keep Fighting!

Our obligation isn’t to be victorious, but to be faithful. Despite the odds, despite the peril, despite the risk, we must keep fighting.

Be Prepared

Be Prepared

The most important preparation we can make isn’t in things and plans, but in the depths of our heart.

Doing Right

Doing Right

Is it too much to suggest that each of us should model our lives not after sanctimonious politicians who think they can disobey the word of God, but instead a faithful harlot?