Berlanga travels the state highlighting systemic issues with the property tax system and needed reforms.

Berlanga travels the state highlighting systemic issues with the property tax system and needed reforms.
Her activism and dedication to the advancement of self-governance—notably the protection of children—led her to receive a Conservative Leader Award in 2020.
Too often, conservatives cede the selection of the rhetorical battleground to the left. It is why we are losing.
Liberty is not an economic tool but a moral imperative.
Dr. Bowden has been at the forefront of patient care for COVID-19.
Rittenhouse says he believes readers will be most surprised by the fact that he was just “a normal kid.”
Veterans Day is an opportunity to thank those who have served, and consider what sort of nation we ask men and women to defend.
The righteous cause of liberty is rarely advanced through unholy alliances.
Rather than star as the martyrs in our self-devised tale of woe, we should actively look for allies in the redemptive story that God is working in our lives.
Political purity czars are a lonely lot and rarely as pure as they perceive themselves. They trade the joy of warm camaraderie for the faint praise of self-congratulations.
America watched as church leaders in 2020 put the gathering of the saints on par with the meeting of the Rotary Club. Today, those churches are experiencing the results.
Rather than earn the cheers of our fellow zealots, we should hope for the approval of our Lord and Savior.
All law is a matter of morality; the only question is if that law is in keeping with, or foreign to, the moral precepts of holy scripture.
The surest foundation is found not in nature or monuments, but in Christ alone.
Governing power draws egomaniacs and sycophants.
Feeling weighed down by the calling to be in the fight? Fight harder!
“The whole equity industrial complex is a tumor that’s just infected,” said Turcios.
We have too often adopted a participation-trophy mentality when it comes to political engagement.
Alan was known as a fearless leader and faithful ally dedicated to God, family, and country—and fighting for safe and secure elections.
We should be excited to play a part in the great story!
When people decide they are willing to lose everything rather than live as serfs, that is when tyrants quiver and fall.
Rather than fight the enemy, we have contented ourselves with blaming the victims and shunning the warriors.
From a certain perspective, it is hard to think of this as a “good” Friday. It is, after all, the...
By refusing to fight from the moral high ground, we find our culture in shambles.
You don’t own your property if you are paying rent to the government.