City leaders say they will work with one of the largest taxpayer-funded lobbying organizations in the upcoming session.

City leaders say they will work with one of the largest taxpayer-funded lobbying organizations in the upcoming session.
Parents kept kids out of school and rallied Tuesday to demand changes in district policies.
Texas’ law prohibiting sexually-oriented performances in front of minors remains on hold.
Several district residents called on trustees to reinstate Superintendent Jorge Arredondo.
Arguments against polling locations on college campuses come down to community accessibility and concerns that students may vote twice.
City Council members are accused of proposing three amendments that contradict three other amendments put on the ballot by a citizen-led petition.
Video footage of the event shows what appears to be multiple children attending the show.
The district contends that the policy revisions uphold the fundamental rights of parents.
The school district currently owes more than $1.8 billion in taxpayer-backed debt.
Melanie Graft remains the GOP nominee for the November 5 election after Roberta Zamarron’s lawsuit seeking to boot Graft off the ballot failed.
Until the district earns the community’s trust back, parents say they will vote against any school bonds.
Tarrant County GOP Chair Bo French alleged that the city is helping former city and school district officials get rich off the taxpayers’ dime.
The city claims the petition did not prompt an obligation to order a recall election.
The parents allege that the district retaliated against their children for refusing to follow the former superintendent’s mask mandate.
School board trustees will vote August 19 to place the bonds and tax increase on the November ballot.
The lawsuit alleges that the incident “appears to be part of a larger pattern of students being abused and staff failing to intervene at Rucker Elementary.”
After a few students made noise during the drill, the principal allegedly yelled at the 5th grade class until they cried and then took photos of them.
The Supporters of Denton ISD PAC endorsed two incumbents over challengers who oppose sex and gender ideologies in schools.
A state lawmaker and a Tarrant County official believe the measure primarily applies to border counties.
The proposal would change the language in the city charter from “citizen” to “residents” or “people.”
Carlson—who has been critical of Gov. Abbott’s handling of the border invasion in the past—had not changed his tune.
Red Goose Saloon says that while they recommend the show be for ages 16-plus, they will allow children younger to attend.
In late February, Paxton’s office accused Frisco ISD of electioneering.
The community college had multiple job listings mandating that employees advance or adhere to DEI policies as a condition of employment.
A newsletter sent out to Garner ISD parents and faculty last fall included an anti-school choice article by Rogers.