The university—once thought to be a conservative stronghold—has increasingly embraced leftist ideology.

The university—once thought to be a conservative stronghold—has increasingly embraced leftist ideology.
Gov. Greg Abbott has repeatedly refused to address the GOP-priority child protection issue.
With the Republican primary election a week away, Chad Prather has received a week’s suspension from the social media platform.
Texas House speaker is among minority of Republicans endorsed by state education association.
“We’re setting ourselves up to lose.”
The 140 days of the legislative session have concluded. What did—and did not—get accomplished?
Slow-rolling by Republicans in passing the priority legislation ultimately allowed Democrats to kill the bill.
The Senate passed bills seeking to reform emergency authorities at the state and local levels, while the House passed a bill to perpetuate disputed authorities altogether. Neither could seemingly come to an agreement.
These new provisions caught ire in the conservative activist sphere.
Senate Bill 7 is eligible for consideration by the House at 4:50 p.m. today, the final day for lawmakers to approve bills coming out of conference committees.
Some are concerned the bill’s current form could actually require the teaching of critical race theory.
Don Huffines and Chad Prather agree that a special session is needed to pass conservative priorities.
“It will be one item placed on the agenda. Not until they pass that item, we move on to another item.”
One GOP-priority election bill has made it to the governor’s desk; a handful of others are close to the finish line, while Senate Bill 7 remains a wild card.
“According to the CDC study, even a normal, healthy person who is repeatedly exposed to impact noise will sustain permanent hearing loss.”
From the "Oh, What a Big Surprise Department," comes news that spending billions of taxpayer dollars on "nutrition education" has been a failure.
The Associated Press article makes it clear that about the only thing accomplished was making kids feel good about singing and dancing veggies. Oh, goody. The head of the federal program says, "We're finding success in things in which we have been able to measure, which are more related to knowledge and skill. It is more difficult for us to identify success in changing children's eating patterns."
AUSTIN, Texas – In signing two pieces of legislation today, Texas Governor Rick Perry and the Legislature delivered on two elements of the sound fiscal agenda promoted by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and supported by thousands of voters and taxpayers.
The governor today announced he signed House Bill 3430 and House Bill 735. The first creates a searchable public database of all state agency expenditures, contracts and grants, shining historic sunlight on the way taxpayers dollars are spent. The second bill delivers on a decade-old promise to eliminate the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund tax, which was originally levied to wire specific public buildings for the internet and was to be abolished when its purpose had been fulfilled.
Just how did the legislative session go? We’ll be releasing a full legislative score card soon, but overall, this legislative session was a bust. The cumulative score of all members of the Texas House and Texas Senate, on fiscal issues, was an abysmal 52%. Meaning? Half the time the legislature voted contrary to the best interests of Texas’ taxpayers.
The Republicans in the legislature scored a barely-passing cumulative rank of 70%. The Democrats? A not-unexpected 30% — but then, they make no bones about wanting to grow the size of government.
On the website, in e-mails, and recent speeches, TFR hasn’t been bashful about calling out the Tax-and-Spenders infesting the Republican Party’s legislative delegation.
By their actions (stopping additional tax relief, preventing tax reform, sponsoring tax hikes, etc.), these Republican spendoholics are pushing grassroots conservatives and libertarians – the Republican base – into apathy. Their actions are driving the core constituency of the movement away from the polls.
Sitting in the back of the Laredo auditorium on Wednesday night, I was struck by the level of frustration. These were hard-working folks I was listening to, most arrived in pick-ups and older cars; none belonged to a country club. The event was a free training seminar on how to protest property tax appraisals; I had been asked by the organizer to come and talk about the results of the legislative session.
She's no lazy Susan. Comptroller Susan Combs has gotten a head start on implementing House Bill 3430 requiring all state agencies to post their expenditures online. The Comptroller's newly unveiled site reveals expenditures for nearly 200 agencies and institutions under broad categories such as salaries, travel and supplies.
I had the pleasure of sharing a podium last night with Robin Armstrong, vice chairman of the Texas Republican Party. We were speaking at an event in Horseshoe Bay (Llano County).
A practicing physcian (and a fellow graduate of Texas A&M), Robin has risen quickly in GOP's inside politics. His comments were refreshingly strong, focusing on the need for our elected officials to return to the core principles of the conservative movement that excite the grassroots.
State Rep. Jim Pitts should be ashamed of his bald-faced hypocrisy. Jim Pitts is saying tonight that he is voting against the budget on the grounds that it represents an irresponsible jump in state spending, and criticizes it for being laden with pork.
This begs a response. The proposed budget increases the size of government about 9 percent, while the budget Jim Pitts shepherded through the process, when he chaired House Appropriations, increased state spending 18.7 percent.
That porky smell emanating from the Capitol arises from many quarters, but Mr. Pitts' office would surely have to be one the smelliest. He's never lifted a finger to reduce spending or cut the size of government. He should be ashamed.
For Texas taxpayers, the record of State Rep. Fred Hill (R-Richardson) adds up to higher taxes. The Dallas Morning News is reporting in today’s edition that residents in Mr. Hill’s home county of Dallas had a “sharp increase†in property tax appraisals – some 20 percent on average. As a result, property owners there are paying an additional $18.4 million in taxes.
Rep. Hill has been the single greatest obstacle to property tax relief and appraisal reform in the Texas House.