-Over Nine Million Texans Cast Early Ballots Ahead of Election Day -Texas Tells Biden-Harris Admin ‘No’ to Federal Polling Place Monitors -Texas Braces For Potential Border Surge After Election
Texas Scorecard Video
3/19/24 SCOTUS: Texas Can Enforce New Border Security Law
– The U.S. Supreme Court allows Texas to enforce new border security laws.
– Texas pulls $8.5 billion investment from BlackRock.
– Craig Goldman and Dade Phelan could be violating campaign finance laws.
Stop Targeting Kids: Texas Schools Pushing LGBT Indoctrination
P*rnhub is no more in Texas. The state of Texas took a massive step in the right direction by going after sites that provide explicit content. Meanwhile, schools across the state continue to indoctrinate kids with inappropriate content.
3/18/24 Tucker Carlson Comes to Texas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Lv8DNpOx3E - A recap of...
Shocking: Texas AG Sues Illegal Alien Development
Join us in this shocking video as Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton...
Unbelievable Margin: Donald Trump Dominating Texas Primaries
12/8/2023 Most Illegal Border Crossings Ever
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alsqx9U8IyY - The U.S. saw a...
Former Border Patrol Chief Reveals Shocking Truth
Illegal aliens are flooding the southwest border and the Border...
12/7/2023 Soros-Funded Group Bailed Out Mass Shooter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H13FCG_hN8 - The Texas...
12/6/23 Illegal Aliens Are Being Processed on Zoom?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkOCizzKniU - The Biden...
Houston Mayoral Candidate Gives Wrong Election Day
Sheila Jackson Lee's latest TV ad for the Houston mayoral runoff has...
12/5/2023 Special Session 4 is Done
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=re5XjZ3H400 - Lawmakers leave...
Dade Phelan Can’t Release a List of Supporters
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58qoM42AOqc Governor Greg Abbott is...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sues Pfizer over COVID-19 vaccine
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Thursday that the state...
12/4/23 Texas Democrats Side with Hamas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8SuBDxRZow - Texas Democrats...
Bonnen’s Leaving…
Michael Quinn Sullivan, Brandon Waltens, and Cary Cheshire discuss Speaker Bonnen’s announcement.
Second Amendment Roundtable
A live roundtable on Second Amendment issues.
TXLege Autopsy Report: Pro-Life Reforms
What happened to pro-life reforms this session? VP of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility Cary Cheshire and Texas Scorecard’s Brandon Waltens break it down.
Autopsy Report: Constitutional Carry
So, what happened to constitutional carry this session? Cary Cheshire and Brandon Waltens break it down.
TXLege Autopsy Report: Klick Killed Election Integrity Legislation
Texas faces a wide range of issues undermining the integrity of our elections.
TXLege Autopsy Report: Texas Ends Forced Annexation
Grassroots activists working together succeeded in extending property rights protection to all Texans.
TXLege Autopsy Report: Monumental Failure
Before lawmakers even arrived in Austin for the 86th Texas Legislative Session, one issue was already at the forefront on a national scale: monuments and memorials.
TXLege Autopsy Report: Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
Despite being a legislative priority for the Republican Party of Texas, legislation to ban taxpayer dollars from funding lobbyists failed to make it out of the recent legislative session.
TXLege Autopsy Report: The Tax Swap Saga
Cary and Brandon run through the details on the tax swap saga of the 86th Legislative Session.
TXLege Autopsy Report: Business Protection Legislation
Brandon Waltens and Cary Cheshire explore the death of the conservative priority calling for pre-emption legislation to tackle out-of-control local government.