
35 Republicans Stood Up Against a Motion to Kill Conservative House Policies
Under the first week of the Burrows regime, in what seems to be the first time ever, the House rules were rammed through without a single amendment being considered.

How Texans for Lawsuit Reform Paid Pennies While the TEC Targeted an Elderly Activist
Without change, the TEC will continue to enforce a two-tiered system of justice—one where the powerful pay pennies, and the powerless pay everything.

What Did Texans Go to Austin on January 14 To See?
They witnessed one of our lawmakers make it clear to all that he would effectively say to God, the Supreme Lawmaker of the Universe, “God, you got it all wrong regarding marriage.”

The Supreme Court Must Prioritize Children’s Online Safety
The Supreme Court has an opportunity to reaffirm its commitment to the welfare of children and the foundational principles that safeguard our society.
Commentary Archive
Amarillo City Council Receives ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’ Initiative Petition Signatures; Mayor Entertains Alternative Ordinance
On May 28, 2024, the City Council of Amarillo received the results of a successful citizen initiative petition for a Sanctuary City for the Unborn (SCFTU) ordinance further prohibiting abortion within the City of Amarillo. The petition contained about 10,400...
Y’All Answered: Put WHO In Charge?
The Biden administration is considering a proposed "Pandemic Agreement" from the World Health Organization that would give the international entity the authority to dictate policy to the states in the event of another "pandemic." Gov. Greg Abbott and 23 other...
This Memorial Day
It’s not like I haven’t seen this kind of ad before, but the one I saw yesterday inspired a mixture of disgust and sadness. Over breakfast, I was browsing the news when my screen was partially filled with the headline, “Don’t Waste Memorial Day: Get A New Car At The...
City of Clarendon Rejects Ordinance Outlawing Abortion and Abortion Trafficking
On Thursday, May 9, the City Council of Clarendon (pop. 1,877), considered an ordinance outlawing abortion and abortion trafficking within its city limits. While the majority of those in attendance were in favor of the ordinance, Alderman Eulaine McIntosh led the...
Y’All Answered: Target the Cartel Leadership?
President Donald Trump has reportedly said that if he is reelected this fall, he will send kill teams to enter Mexico and target cartel leaders. Yesterday, we asked readers if they agreed with this policy. Do you want to participate in our weekly surveys? Subscribe to...
Two Years Later: A Prosper ISD Mom’s Story
Mother’s Day marked another somber anniversary in Prosper Independent School District. That was the day—two years ago, in May 2022—one Prosper mom learned that school bus driver Frank Paniagua had been sexually molesting her two little daughters for nearly the entire...
Identity Politics Has Destroyed the Bonds of American Society
Last month, the Biden administration revised Policy Directive No. 15, also known as Directive 15 or more simply as SPD 15, to include a “new population group that historically had experienced discrimination and differential treatment because of their race or...
Y’All Answered: Abolish Austin?
The city council in Austin has become increasingly hostile to the general values, sensibilities, and beliefs of Texans. Most recently, the Austin City Council passed a resolution claiming to make it a "sanctuary" for child gender mutilation and chemical castration....
Michael Berlanga: Love Thy Neighborhood and Protest Your Taxes
As Texans seek relief from high property taxes, Michael Berlanga of Texas True Tax gives seminars around the state asking communities to unite and protest local corruption. A San Antonio-based certified professional accountant, licensed real estate broker, and...