Speaking on Fox News yesterday, US Sen. Ted Cruz criticized the ongoing investigations into President Trump. As quoted by the Daily Caller, Cruz said:

I think it’s very troubling that Bob Mueller has appointed a number of lawyers to his team who are partisan Democrats, who [have] repeatedly been Democratic donors. In my view, the Department of Justice and the FBI, they should be beyond reproach.

We’re learning more and more every day about the corrupt culture allowed to fester in the Department of Justice during the Obama Administration, feeding directly to the Mueller investigation. For months now, members of Congress have been issuing stronger and strong condemnations of the FBI and DOJ.

Curiously silent has been the one Texas Republican who could do something about it: Houston’s John Culberson. As a member of the powerful Appropriations Committee, he oversees the DOJ funding. From that perch he could ask serious questions and demand reforms… yet he is doing nothing.

When Mueller was given the job in 2017 to “investigate” the president, Culberson issued a press statement praising the decision.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is highly regarded, and he is an excellent choice to handle this investigation. I’m confident that he will complete a thorough and fair assessment, so that we can move past this, and continue to tackle the tough issues that the American people elected us to handle.

Culberson can be forgiven his initial optimism, but the intervening year has seen Mueller’s efforts amount to be little more than a witch hunt.

Cruz said Monday that he shares “the concern a lot of people have, that the Department of Justice, the special counsel, should not become a partisan fishing expedition.”

Culberson likes to campaign (read: fundraise) on his powerful position, but he doesn’t use it. His unwillingness to defend the rule of law and drain the corrupt DOJ swamp has gone from baffling to disgusting.

Texans expect better.

Michael Quinn Sullivan

Michael Quinn Sullivan is the publisher of Texas Scorecard. He is a native Texan, a graduate of Texas A&M, and an Eagle Scout. Previously, he has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine contributor, Capitol Hill staffer, and think tank vice president. Michael and his wife have three adult children, a son-in-law, and a dog. Michael is the author of three books, including "Reflections on Life and Liberty."