Republican U.S. Rep. Chip Roy has reintroduced a measure to stop taxpayer funding of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

“This globalist, anti-western propaganda machine doesn’t deserve a dime of our money or an ounce of our credibility,” said Roy (TX-21) Tuesday.

While members of the U.N. are required to contribute financially to the organization, the United States is the top donor. According to the Council of Foreign Relations, “President Joe Biden has restored hundreds of millions of dollars of UN funding that was cut under President Donald Trump.”

Roy referred to the U.N.’s Human Rights Council as “a long-running joke” and an organization that “has the audacity to lecture the world about human rights while giving seats to some of the worst abusers in the world — like China, Cuba and Sudan.”

He went on to say that the U.N. “disproportionately attacks our ally Israel” and that it has an “overall leftist crusade against Western Civilization, while letting monstrous and authoritarian regimes like Iran get away with little more than a slap on the wrist by comparison — if that.”

The newly reintroduced legislation comes on the heels of the Biden administration’s recent removal of Cuba’s state sponsor of terrorism designation, a move which U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, criticized as “unacceptable on its merits.”

Cruz said in a statement on Tuesday that the “Obama-Biden officials are continuing their legacy of closing out administrations with rank appeasement of the Cuban regime.”

He added, “These moves do incredible damage to American national security and send a message to our adversaries that they can rely on outgoing Democrat administrations – and wait out pressure from Republican administrations – to continue engaging in terrorism and other aggression against Americans.”

In the summer of 2024, Republican State Sen. Bob Hall of Edgewood called for new legislation to safeguard Texas from the overreaching influence of international organizations, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the U.N.

Previously, Hall told Texas Scorecard that entities such as the WEF, the WHO, and the U.N. “have deep and dark ties with other foreign countries, and have acted time and time again, inconsistently with their promoted mission.”

Debra McClure

Debra McClure is a contract writer for Texas Scorecard. She is also a former teacher.