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Forbes: Austin’s Commuter Line Is A Monument To Government Waste

Last week, Forbes published a scathing rebuke of rail-transit systems for their waste, inefficiency, and ineffectiveness — pointing to Austin’s MetroRail as, “perhaps America’s leading rail transit failure.” In the piece, aptly titled, “Austin’s Commuter Rail Is A...

Mayor Requests New Location For Affordable Housing

After a lengthy battle over the location of Houston Housing Authority’s (HHA) planned affordable housing project just outside of Tanglewood, Mayor Sylvester Turner has announced he will not bring the plan before council. Before obtaining federal funding for the...

Wasteful Victory?

Every election cycle, the Texas GOP gears up to push the party ticket in what’s known as “Texas Victory.” But the door-hanger push cards for 2016 are prominently promoting people who aren’t on the ballot, while leaving the actual 2016 candidates relegated to the...

Campus Carry: Effective Today

Today, public university students in Texas may now legally exercise their Second Amendment rights while attending classes — to a limited extent, in some cases — as “campus carry” goes into effect statewide. Passed at the end of the 84th Texas Legislature despite...

Houston Heights Residents Want To Ease “Dry” Rule

Residents living in Houston Heights seem primed to chip away at a rule that was solidified over a century ago when the Heights was annexed – the prohibition of alcohol sales for off-premise consumption. Thanks to the successful petition efforts of a citizen group –...

Midland School Board Calls for More Taxes

Increased property valuations in Midland won’t be the only thing to blame for the spike in your next property tax bill. On Monday, Midland ISD (MISD) Trustees took the first step in initiating a tax ratification election for the fall that, if passed, will raise the...

Coppell ISD Targeted Voters to Help Pass Record Debt Deal

A north Texas school district has been exposed for using manipulative targeting tactics for its May bond election, according to a recent open records request. The documents reveal Coppell ISD used a tactic known as “rolling polling” to target district staff and other...

Harris County DA Drops Charges Against Pro-Life Activists

All charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt have now been dropped by the Harris County District Attorney’s office. Daleiden and Merritt are the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) investigators who uncovered Planned Parenthood profiting from abortions. They...