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The Law Man

My travels took me to Del Rio for a speech this week, a border town in Val Verde County. I had the good fortune to chat with the sheriff, D'Wayne Jernigan. He’s true West Texas lawman who has earned the ire of the left-leaning establishment for doing his job well...

Tying Taxpayers To The Rail

Supporters of “light rail” and “commuter rail” consistently over-sell and under-deliver. Not only does mass-transit fail to reduce congestion, but it is always fraught with cost-overruns and implementation delays. Such is the case in Austin, where the new toy...


Job-Killing New Business Tax Exposed

The San Antonio Express-News reports that new National Federation of Independent Business radio ads assail the business tax that will take its first toll in May. The ads note some small businesses will see their tax burden rise by 1,000 percent over the current...

Will Taxpayers Get Justice?

A lawsuit designed to stop counties from using taxpayer-money to lobby against taxpayers is still brewing in Williamson County. The judge last month gave taxpayers a partial victory, but those who brought the suit are hoping to convince His Honor to make...

Taxing Jobs

No title makes conservatives’ skin crawl like “tax assessor/collector.” It’s just not a job most of us hope our little conservative bundles of joy grow up to be. But thank goodness someone does, because it’s a critically important position. The Houston...

Your Honor

Speaking in Farmers’ Branch this week I saw a familiar face in the audience – one of my upper-classman from Texas A&M. It turns out that Steven Autry is now seeking to serve as the judge of the Dallas County Criminal Court #4. He was a positive influence on me...

Help The Good Guys

Hard to believe, but true, we do have a strong number of fiscally conservative lawmakers in the Texas Legislature. While outnumbered, they fight the fight for our values and principles regardless of political pressure. But doing the right thing comes at a cost. One of...

Red-Lighting Hypocrisy

Confronted with not getting 100% of the money, the city of Nederland (near Beaumont) is backing out of their red-light camera contract. Seems now that they aren’t getting all the cash (see an earlier post), the city fathers just don’t see the “public safety”...