Arlington ISD, another school district suing the state for more money, seems to have enough cash laying around to pay for better public relations. Who can blame them? They’re going to need it to help explain such a wasteful decision.

Texas Watchdog reported yesterday that Arlington ISD recently hired a public relations marking firm for $100,000 in order to “burnish its image.” The plan would use billboards, direct mail, e-blasts, fliers, social media campaigns, and brochures in order to keep parents in the loop about new classes, available electives and school ratings.

It’s going to take more than a PR firm to improve taxpayer’s perception of the district. Scrounging up $100,000 for a marketing campaign, despite being a member of a large collection of ISD’s throughout Texas suing the state for more money isn’t helping.

If perception is a problem for AISD, why not use that money on things that will actually improve the academic performance of their district instead of trying to rebrand themselves as such?