Results for "TRWD"

Vigilance At Every Level

Vigilance At Every Level

…Water District can now legally bully private landowners using eminent domain for dubious economic development schemes….all through a partnership with the notoriously irresponsible federal government. TRWD board trustees are also…

Geren’s Pet Pig: Trinity River Slush Fund

Geren’s Pet Pig: Trinity River Slush Fund

…vastly expanded the legal authority of the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) to include “environmental restoration, recreation, access to green space, urban revitalization … and economic development”. The Trinity River…

Proposition 6: Drowning Us In Debt?

Proposition 6: Drowning Us In Debt?

…The TRVA, a subsidiary of TRWD, recently approved plans to build an outdoor ice rink! So much for water… It begs a very important question: Why would we encourage more…

Water Board Shrouded in Secrecy

Water Board Shrouded in Secrecy

…keep in mind that TRWD is one of six taxing districts in Tarrant County contributing taxpayer money to TRWD’s subsidiary; the Trinity River Vision Authority. The TRWD insists the TRVA’s…