Houston, we have a problem. Cole Hefner seems to be teaming up with a ton of lobbyists to establish framing that favors the vast majority of members of the Chinese Communist Party. Why on earth would he and so many trade associations work to water down legislation to allow most Chinese nationals to purchase most Texas property?

Last week I called out this behavior on Twitter and the clips reached hundreds of thousands of Texans.

A bunch of the lobby and Representative Hefner told people I was lying.

I was not, and on today’s show, I’m going to bring the receipts.


5 Ways Conservatives Won This Week

We have a speaker; it’s not who conservatives support, and it is who the Democrats chose, but this week has been a huge win for conservative Republicans.

The Moment That Is The Race For Speaker

It’s taken 15 years to get Texas Republicans fully aware of the dangerous alliance that a small group of Republicans have formed with a majority Democrat coalition. In two weeks, […]

Merry Christmas (2024 Gratitude)

Merry Christmas to each of you. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all that the grassroots of Texas has done this year.