A prominent conservative political organization has revoked their endorsement in the race for House District 13.

The Texas Homeschool Coalition, who had previously endorsed former Grimes County Judge Ben Leman in the race to succeed former State Rep. Leighton Schubert, announced today they were pulling their endorsement in a move the organization is calling “unprecedented.”

In a statement, THSC said Leman had taken positions on the campaign trail that differed from what he told them during their endorsement interview, in addition to attacking other conservative organizations in recent forums:

Ben Leman has falsely accused conservative organizations and officials who are known to THSC as fellow defenders of liberty. Like-minded people and organizations do sometimes disagree. However, attacks on character, integrity, and political philosophy are notably different and markedly contrast the speaker against his subject. By opposing groups who support education reform, property tax reform, and freedom for Texas families, Mr. Leman contradicts positions for which he affirmed his support when speaking to THSC. Because of his recent public statements indicating opposition to efforts that we believe are the best interests of Texas families, we can no longer in good conscience support the candidacy of Mr. Leman.

Jill Wolfskill, Leman’s opponent in the race, has the support of a wide variety of statewide conservative organizations, including Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Texas Right to Life, and Texans for Toll-Free Highways. Leman, on the other hand, is supported by establishment organizations, such as the Associated Republicans of Texas, a group that supported liberal Republicans like pro-abortion State Rep. Sarah Davis (West University Place) against conservative challengers endorsed by Gov. Greg Abbott, and Texas Alliance for Life, a fake pro-life organization whose head testified against the ban on dismemberment abortion last session.

Leman is facing Wolfskill in both the special election on May 5 as well as the Republican primary runoff election on May 22. The May 5 election will determine who will fill out the remainder of the term vacated by Schubert, who resigned in January, while the May 22 runoff election will likely determine who will serve the reliably Republican district when the legislature convenes in January.

Brandon Waltens

Brandon serves as the Senior Editor for Texas Scorecard. After managing successful campaigns for top conservative legislators and serving as a Chief of Staff in the Texas Capitol, Brandon moved outside the dome in order to shine a spotlight on conservative victories and establishment corruption in Austin. @bwaltens