In keeping with our effort to provide Texans with the information they need to be informed voters, Texas Scorecard distributed a questionnaire to those running for the lead the Republican Party of Texas as chairman: incumbent James Dickey and challenger Cindy Asche.

We also decided for the first time ever to make a number of the same questions available to those running for the State Republican Executive Committee as well. While we won’t be issuing an endorsement in any of these races, we hope that the responses to these questions will help you decide which man and which woman will best represent your interest on the SREC.

Here are the answers from the Senate District 16 candidates who responded without edits:

Susan Fountain

Why should Republicans choose you for the SREC?

Susan Fountain: My belief is that SREC members of each Senate District should consider the opinions and beliefs of all of the members of their SD.

While not seeking to arbitrarily impose my own personal agenda, I am committed to preserving and protecting conservative values and principles. My commitment has been represented by my active engagement as a Precinct Chair, a Republican Womens Club President, and as the Treasurer of two umbrella organizations.

Effective communication of and at SREC meetings and activities is vitally important so that the Republican Party of Texas gets its message disseminated. We must elect strong Republicans who will keep Texas Red. There must be effective communication to provide voters and precinct chairs with actionable information and to facilitate their being interested, well informed and involved.


Texas Republicans control every statewide office and the Texas Legislature by impressive margins. What measures must pass this upcoming session for it to be declared a success?

Susan Fountain: A good starting point for the 2019 Legislative Session would be passing the issues that failed or were stalled from making the House Floor for a vote that were high priorities of Governor Abbott. Examples of these are school finance reform, property tax reform, and the prohibition of taxpayer funding for abortion providers. Additional issues would be implementing the school safety and security program proposed by Governor Abbott. Also important is legislation capping property taxes and home appraisal values for fixed or limited income seniors.

Current party rules allow for the SREC to censure a Republican officeholder that violates the party’s core principles. Do you think we should have this rule? Why or why not?

Susan Fountain: Yes, absolutely because this rule holds officeholders accountable to their constituents for their campaign promises. It also promotes the general welfare of the party towards unity of mission and purpose.

Last year, efforts to censure House Speaker Joe Straus were successful, but efforts to censure State Rep. Byron Cook and other lawmakers were not. What are some examples of actions you believe violate the party’s core principles?

Susan Fountain: Funding of abortion providers and voting against pro-life legislation are not in sync with the RPT Party Platform and a consensus of Republican voters.

Also voting to remove or subordinate parental rights to government intrusion in various policies and procedures promotes government interference into traditional family values.

Should you be elected, what tangible metrics should Republicans use to determine if you have been successful?

Susan Fountain: A highly successful SREC member attends all quarterly RPT meetings and contributes, on the record, to the effective RPT implementation of the Party Platform. Effective SREC actions can also expand the grassroots base as reflected in positive voting turnout statistics. SREC communications can also increase measurable involvement and activism throughout their Senate District.

Texas Scorecard

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