In keeping with our effort to provide Texans with the information they need to be informed voters, Texas Scorecard distributed a questionnaire to those running for the lead the Republican Party of Texas as chairman: incumbent James Dickey and challenger Cindy Asche.

We also decided for the first time ever to make a number of the same questions available to those running for the State Republican Executive Committee as well. While we won’t be issuing an endorsement in any of these races, we hope that the responses to these questions will help you decide which man and which woman will best represent your interest on the SREC.

Here are the answers from the Senate District 4 candidates who responded without edits:

Allison Winter

Walter West

Why should Republicans choose you for the SREC?

Allison Winter: As a strong grassroots conservative precinct chair, I have a record of standing strong for conservative values and causes.  

  • Recruited many conservative Precinct chairs
  • Chaired Nominations for SD4 (successfully implemented Precinct Caucus for the grassroots)
  • Worked with team of like-minded precinct chairs to develop new bylaws
  • Temporary Platform Committee member- 2018 RPT Convention

I am confident I will serve SD4 well with my experience, knowledge, conviction, and abilities.

Walter West: I will be able to communicate within SD4, and with other SRECs to bring the consensus of our collective voice finally. My method of engagement will be through personal appearance. We do live in a day of electronic and social media, but I will schedule a method of personal interaction by visiting at a prescribed time before and after quarterly meetings while taking input from electronic means. The mistrust that was expressed to me can be overcome if actual body language is engaged and folks can visit with their representative as I personally have seen in my travels these past few years. I was told I was the first person outside of a State or County Convention who has come to the voters on their turf.

Involving our younger voter base is paramount and gets distorted with all the society classifications that are given to race, true religion, and social biases. We can drive actual issues for a win without having to delve into all the minutia of social identities that change every week.

My Other function will be to help grow the party in Chambers, Galveston, and Harris from what they have dropped in numbers from within SD4, and help create a tactic to win in the heavily Democrat arena of Jefferson County. In speaking with the new County Chair Judy Nichols, Jefferson County was left with $38.00 in the bank, and 90+ Precinct Chair Vacancies. This will be paramount to attack!

Texas Republicans control every statewide office and the Texas Legislature by impressive margins. What measures must pass this upcoming session for it to be declared a success?

Allison Winter: A great success would be to elect a Speaker of the House with the policy that James Dickey is promoting by allowing only Republican House members to vote for their Speaker of the House and not allowing Democrats to sway that vote. Additionally, supporting those running on the Republican ticket and not forfeiting any seats to the Democrats but gaining additional seats for Republicans.

Walter West: Controlling by “Republican” name only is not control. The measure needing to pass in the upcoming session for true success is for our candidates and incumbents elected into office and serving is for those officials to stick to the platform of the Republican Party delegated by the participants during our convention to our lawmakers.

Current party rules allow for the SREC to censure a Republican officeholder that violates the party’s core principles. Do you think we should have this rule? Why or why not?

Allison Winter: Yes, I do believe the SREC should keep the ability to censure. It is a tool to hold elected Republican officials accountable if our party principles have been blatantly ignored and grossly violated. Why should RPT continue to support elected officials who do not behave as Republicans and work against our conservative beliefs?

Walter West: The actions that violate our party’s principles are the self serving back room deals and committee assignments that gained unsolicited powers killing effective legislation and representation of true Conservative TeXaNs and kept in play the cronyism on both sides of the House. In censuring an officeholder within our party, we have a louder voice to speak as to the violations committed with an eye for changing that violation.

Last year, efforts to censure House Speaker Joe Straus were successful, but efforts to censure State Rep. Byron Cook and other lawmakers were not. What are some examples of actions you believe violate the party’s core principles?

Allison Winter: Ignoring the party platform planks such as not protecting life, not promoting limited government or gun rights, giving power to the democrats, and not promoting the planks that the almost 9,000 state delegates have deeply considered and adopted.

Walter West: The actions that violate our party’s core principles are the ones taken over the phone and in the back room deals with the other side. Collusion with Left wing organizations and RINOs passing their agenda for a lasting buck or committee assignment need to be thwarted and not allowed. Those individuals need to be brought down and replaced. Cooks censure didn’t come about fully because Straus’ censure kept the heat off of Byron Cook.

Should you be elected, what tangible metrics should Republicans use to determine if you have been successful?

Allison Winter:

  1. Communication is one of the biggest changes I plan to make- emails, facebook, newsletters, for example.
  2. To Support the beliefs and values stated in our party platform and stand strong for conservative values
  3. I will represent all of our counties in SD4 by hearing their concerns and relaying them to the SREC as well as keeping them informed of important votes
  4. Being reliable in attendance, organized, and effective at the SREC Executive meetings
  5. Showing respect and fairness to all in our SD4 whether I agree with each or not

Walter West: The people’s response of SD4 will be all that is needed. Attitude reflects Leadership, Leadership reflects attitude. SD4 will see a welcome change in how they are heard and interact with the state party on the local level.

Texas Scorecard

"Real News for Real Texans."