In a scathing letter, State Rep. Kyle Biedermann (R–Fredericksburg) takes Gov. Greg Abbott to task over his “nonexistent” leadership concerning the Alamo Plan.

Conservative Texans have long been critical of the General Land Office and City of San Antonio’s plan to “reimagine” the site of the Alamo—specifically, the plans to relocate the Alamo Cenotaph, a monument commissioned on the centennial anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo that serves as a tombstone for the men who gave their lives in the fight for Texas independence at the storied site.

A proposition on the Republican primary ballot that stated that “Texans should protect and preserve all historical monuments, artifacts, and buildings, such as the Alamo Cenotaph and our beloved Alamo, and should oppose any reimagining of the Alamo site” was overwhelmingly approved by 97 percent of Republican voters in March.

Biedermann has been the most vocal lawmaker against the plan, headlining numerous rallies at the Alamo and filing legislation during the most recent legislative session to attempt to protect the Cenotaph.

Since the session ended, Biedermann has contacted Abbott on numerous occasions about the Cenotaph relocation but has received no reply, triggering Thursday’s heated letter:

“In the past few months, you have acted with excessive executive powers under the guise of COVID-19. With that said, on the Alamo, your leadership has been nonexistent. Why do you refuse to stand for what is right and what many Texans including 97% of Republican primary voters agree on? The Cenotaph, the Defenders empty tomb, should not be moved. Your immediate leadership is required. The people deserve a response from you especially now since the Texas Historical Commission is ready to approve the permit for the dismantling and relocation of the Cenotaph from the Alamo battlefield. This THC hearing on June 16 and 17 will be closed to public in person attendance and should not include this monumental and controversial permit application item.”

“Governor, put an end to the relocation of the Cenotaph and insist it be repaired where it stands,” Biedermann concludes. “Don’t let your name go down in history as the one who let the most iconic event of Texas history take a backseat at the hands of historical revisionists.”

Biedermann is not alone in his opposition to the movement of the monument, as even Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has spoken out against the proposal, saying that “both the design, planning, and execution of the project is badly off track” and that he had “yet to hear a good explanation of why the Cenotaph must be moved.”

Brandon Waltens

Brandon serves as the Senior Editor for Texas Scorecard. After managing successful campaigns for top conservative legislators and serving as a Chief of Staff in the Texas Capitol, Brandon moved outside the dome in order to shine a spotlight on conservative victories and establishment corruption in Austin. @bwaltens