Democrats trying to get their hands on other people’s money isn’t anything new, but this time they’re targeting a former presidential candidate and suing him in court.

Four former employees of Mike Bloomberg have filed suit against the billionaire’s former presidential campaign for defrauding them, alleging that the campaign he founded reneged on its promise to continue paying staff through the November election.

In a lawsuit filed Monday in Tarrant County, four former employees—Abdoulaye Gueye, Argunda Jefferson, Gregory Snow, and Melinda Hamilton—argue the former New York City mayor is in violation of a promise to continue to employ them through the November election “no matter what.”

Bloomberg famously laid off thousands of the folks he’d hired to staff his campaign after faring exceptionally horribly in the Democrat primary debates and Super Tuesday primary elections, withdrawing from the race and endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden earlier this month.

Bloomberg then donated $18 million to the Democratic National Committee—money the four’s attorney, Jason Smith, says should go to pay his clients.

The following is an excerpt from a letter he sent to DNC Chairman Tom Perez.

“My clients are asking the DNC to return any monies it has received from the Bloomberg campaign and pause on accepting any more help from Michael Bloomberg until he does right by his campaign workers.


“My clients were promised by the Bloomberg campaign that if they came to work for Bloomberg’s campaign, they would be guaranteed jobs, salary and healthcare through the November election. They worked hard to help the Bloomberg campaign. Bloomberg went around touting the campaign team he developed and his commitment to campaign against Trump through the election even if he dropped out as a way to attract support. And while Bloomberg even won some delegates on Super Tuesday, he dropped out.


“Instead of following through on continued campaign efforts utilizing the staff after he dropped out, Bloomberg terminated my clients and others, leaving them without salary or ongoing health benefits in the middle of the COVOID-19. I think you would agree that Bloomberg’s going back on his word to these workers is more consistent with Trump business practices than Democratic values.”

Criticizing President Donald Trump is something the four also do in their lawsuit, accusing Bloomberg of “[going] back on his word much in the style of Donald Trump.”

But objectively, Trump hasn’t gone back on the promises he made to the American people. He’s kept them and continued to fight for them against an entrenched Washington swamp—something these folks should know because they’ve been frustrated by his Supreme Court appointments, tax relief plans, and other victories.

And on that topic: if these four had gone to work for the Trump campaign, they’d still have their jobs—and the only thing they’d have to worry about is getting tired of winning.

Cary Cheshire

Cary Cheshire is the executive director of Texans for Strong Borders, a no-compromise non-profit dedicated to restoring security and sovereignty to the citizens of the Lone Star State. For more information visit