Say what you will about our lieutenant governor, his sense of professional ethics is beyond reproach. I’ve had plenty to say about David Dewhurst’s politics, good and bad, over the years, but snide attacks raised in the press by liberal activists are unconscionable.
The left-wing Texans for Public Justice, described by the equally leftist San Antonio Express-News as a "government reform group," is out this week claiming that Dewhurst is hiding his personal assets. The implication of course, is that the lieutenant governor is acting unethically. Texans for Public (in)Justic is about as partisan a group as you can find in Austin, spending their days attacking conservatives for infractions often more imagined than real. The only "reform" they seek is the promotion of liberal activists and causes.
The Fort Worth Star Telegram‘s story correctly labelled the group as "liberal." For the record, Dewhurst came from very modest circumstances, demonstrated amazing business savvy and became a truly self-made multi-millionaire through a number of enterprises. Think what any of us will about the decade he has spent in public office, he could have done far better for himself financially staying in the business world.
(As lieutenant governor, Dewhurst draws a monthly salary of $600 per month. His blind trust does substantially better, as you might imagine.)
This is precisely the kind of charge the left loves to level: making conservatives prove a negative. So, lieutenant governor, have you stopped robbing small children and kicking puppies? What, you say you never have? Well, prove that you’ve stopped!