
Cl-ERIC-al Errors: Texas Needs a New Program to Catch Interstate Voters
Texas has until August 7 to clean the voter rolls.

Texas GOP Priority: Texas is not for Sale
The Texas GOP wants to prevent the United States’ foreign adversaries from owning land and operating in Texas.

Congresswoman Demands Removal of UT Austin Attorney for Praising Hamas Terror Attacks
Though the lawyer was previously arrested during an anti-Israel protest, the charges against all 57 detainees have since been dropped.

ANALYSIS: After Failed Paxton Impeachment, House General Investigating Committee Sets Meeting
The committee with a history of targeting conservatives is meeting in July for an unknown purpose.
State Archive
Budget Right, Now
Even though the House Appropriations Committee stopped with $800 million in budget cuts, conservative lawmakers kept looking for more ways to reduce spending and protect the state's rainy day fund dollars. Amendments doing both will be offered on the House floor by...
Assessing New Taxes
Some in the Texas legislature might try to hide behind tax-hiking verbiage to escape voter wrath. You can put lipstick on a tax and call it a fee or assessment, but it doesn’t change the fact that it drains taxpayer wallets for the purpose of growing government. Take...
Every Hand A Loser For Taxpayers
The newly ascendant gaming lobby will have their day in committee on Tuesday, with a dozen bills designed to expand the industry’s scope and footprint. Many supporters will make happy-talk about generating revenue to fund big-government. The only question is whether...
Straus: ‘Question Validity’ Of LBB Report
A poorly prepared report from the Legislative Budget Board became fodder for liberals demanding budget bloat. House Speaker Joe Straus and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst pushed back with the truth. In a report issued late Thursday, the LBB claimed that under the current...
Who Is More Free-Market?
Take a guess at who recently gave this quote regarding the Texas Emerging Technology Fund: “Why are we in this business? Why are we putting public tax dollars at risk with startups that can’t or won’t raise private money?” No, it wasn’t a conservative. As hard as it...
A Murphy/White Tax
After campaigning as a strong fiscal conservative, pledging to protect the taxpayer by opposing tax increases, and riding the 'tea party wave' back into office in November, it would seem that Rep. Jim Murphy (R-Houston) has forgotten the promises he made to his...
Budget Moves; Liberals Cluck Away
House appropriators have approved a new $164.5 billion all-funds state budget -- living within the revenues available. It's far from a done deal, even as liberals predictably cluck on. House Bill 1 could be on the floor as early as Thursday of next week. It reportedly...
Rally: Keep the Teachers, Cut the Fat
A week and a half ago there was a rally in support of education at the capital. While there was a wide variety of folks attending with different backgrounds and different opinions, there were a few things it seemed everyone could agree on... Keep the Teachers, Cut the...
Gone to Texas
Having enough of Illinois' corrupt fiscal and political mess, a former Illinois state senator says he's "tired of subsidizing crooks" and had declared he and his family are moving to Texas. "You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas." - Davy Crockett As reported in...