
Texas GOP Priority: No Democrat Chairs

Texas GOP Priority: No Democrat Chairs

The Republican Party of Texas has reaffirmed its position that Republican lawmakers should not empower Democrats with leadership positions in the legislature.

State Archive


A Rose By Any Other Name

It was revealed this week that four-term incumbent State Rep. Patrick Rose (D-San Marcos) has signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which is a commitment to taxpayers to "oppose and vote against any all efforts to increase taxes." Does this reflect a new attitude, or...

Bitter Libs Brace For Loss

Admit it: it’s fun watching liberals lose. And you just have to love the predictably patronizing way in which they react to electoral trauma. The left-wing Austin Chronicle reports that liberal State Reps. Valinda Bolton and Donna Howard are feeling some pressure in...


Blue Journalism

In a refreshing burst of honesty, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram this week painted the election as a battle between tax-and-spend incumbent Chris Turner, and conservative challenger Bill Zedler. Any guess who they chose? According to the Star Telegram, Mr. Zedler is:...

Bill White Wants New Internet Taxes

In a somewhat surprising admission, Bill White told Evan Smith of The Texas Tribune last week that Texas needs to start collecting taxes on Internet sales. Of course, the only real surprise is that he came out with it before the election. During the interview (18:15...

Straus: Budget Responsibly

Texas House Speaker Joe Straus today reportedly said the state's budget must be balanced without new taxes, without taping the "rainy day" fund and within available revenues -- that is, by limiting government. Those principles, if followed, knock the budget-ball out...

Strategy: Keep Voters In The Dark

Some liberal Democrats have begun calling themselves "independent," trying to obscure their party affiliation. A handful went further, seeking to make it even easier for candidates to hide their true political predilections. Net effect? Keep voters in the dark. In...

Straus’ Investment

With his party poised to make big gains in November, House Speaker Joe Straus has spent nearly $1 million helping vulnerable incumbent conservatives. Even though he still isn’t helping challenges to liberal incumbents, this infusion of cash could signal a different...

Freshman of the Year Awards: Everyone Gets an ‘A’

One of the most damaging educational theories to come out of 'left field' in recent decades was the Outcome-Based-Education model.   OBE is responsible for the deterioration of academic standards in our schools, or the 'dumbing down' of curriculum, so that all the...