Serving in the Texas Legislature is no picnic; lawmakers get $600, with the responsibility for governing a state that is the 8th largest economy in the world and nearly 24 million people. And it is done for less pay and perks that most city’s offer their councilmen. While this isn’t a call to raise their pay, we should at least remember to ocassionally say, “thank you.”
We may not always agree with the policy directions legislators take, but most serve Texas with the best of intentions. The San Angelo Standard Times captures well the workload in this interview with State Rep. Drew Darby. Of the 181 members of the Texas House and Senate, Mr. Darby’s experience is far from the exception, regardless of party.
With all this said, they do take upon themselves the responsibility of public trust, and their actions must be scrutinized. They are, after all, making decisions that affect the 8th largest economy on the planet, and the lives of 24 million people.