“This is what tenure looks like.”

“This is what tenure looks like.”
He chose not to prioritize such legislation in 2019, and critics of TRBs chide the non-transparent way additional debt obligations are authorized.
The federal government should end subsidies for higher-education loans.
“Even though I’m masculine, I can wear makeup, and if I feel like wearing a dress, I can do that too and it’s totally fine…”
Though the measures have passed the Texas Senate they face an uphill battle in the state’s lower chamber where the ruling Democrat-coalition is opposed.
That both reforms have garnered the backing from Seliger is a pleasant surprise and an action that should be commended.
Since 2011, the State of Texas has spent over $45 million on TEXAS grants for illegal immigrants.
The bill to allow handgun licensees to carry concealed in public university buildings went into effect today.
In recent years the cost of higher education has skyrocketed exponentially, pricing more and more Texans out of many college options as administrators rampantly raise tuition and fees. In an effort to control the issue, State Sen. Charles Schwertner (R-Georgetown) has...
Dozens of documents delivered to Empower Texans in response to a Public Information Act request for correspondence between outgoing UT System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa and State Senator Judith Zaffirini demonstrate a complex relationship between the two officials....