Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick released the Senate’s interim charges on Monday.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick released the Senate’s interim charges on Monday.
The Texas Legislature has repeatedly failed to protect parents, students, and taxpayers from liberal lobbyists at the state’s school board association.
The resolution cites 18 grievances, which include Paddie’s alleged opposition to Republican Party of Texas legislative priorities and lack of consideration of such items in the committee he chairs.
Includes a request for property tax reform and school choice, as well as bans on gender mutilation and taxpayer-funded lobbying.
87th Session Autopsy Reports, State
Even with overwhelming bi-partisan support of ending the practice, lawmakers chose petty politics over good policy.
Not only do citizens oppose the practice, but it also failed on important issues of two of Texas’ largest cities.
The 140 days of the legislative session have concluded. What did—and did not—get accomplished?
Taxpayer-funded lobbying ban, protecting women’s sports, and social media censorship bills were killed on the House deadline.
The committee substitute that passed the House State Affairs Committee last week is curiously different from the version that passed the overall Senate.
This deadline however meant more than just another date on the calendar, it sealed the legislative fate for hundreds of bills still languishing in the legislative process to include priorities of the Republican Party of Texas.