Republicans in Montgomery County are looking to add their county to the growing list of local Republican Parties that have passed resolutions condemning Speaker Joe Straus at their executive committee meeting next Tuesday.
Straus has become increasingly more unpopular among Republicans in Montgomery County for his continued obstruction of conservative legislation session after session. His brazenness in opposing Governor Greg Abbott’s special session agenda, even going so far as to refer to it as “horse manure”, has prompted many local party officials to call for his removal.
Inspired by the resolution passed by Straus’ own Bexar County condemning the Speaker, a number of Montgomery County Republican precinct chairs have been working to craft a similar resolution highlighting Straus’ failures and calling for new leadership.
An increasing number of county parties have passed such resolutions so far, including neighboring Liberty County, which recommended that Straus be officially censured under Rule 44 of the Republican Party of Texas for his, “dismal failure to support the core principles of the Republican Party.”
Jon O’Der, a precinct chair who often travels to the capitol to support conservative legislation, voiced frustration over the fact that Straus keeps getting re-elected despite obstructing the Republican platform:
“I have traveled to Austin for the first day of session since 2011 only to witness Joe Straus get re-elected each time. I have lobbied to my state representatives with no success and I feel inspired by the nearly two dozen executive committees and other Republican groups that have passed resolutions opposing current speaker Joe Straus.”
O’Der is one of the authors of the resolution and will push for it at the upcoming meeting, “I, along with several other precinct chairs that I have been working with, look forward to presenting a similar resolution this coming Tuesday at our executive committee and hope it passes as well.”
The Montgomery County Republican Party Executive Committee will meet and vote on the resolution Tuesday, August 15, 7:30 PM, on the fourth floor of the Alan B. Sadler Commissioners Court Building, 501 N. Thompson St. in Conroe.