Sitting in for a vacationing Brandon Waltens this week Jacob Asmussen discusses what is at stake this November as Texans head to the ballot box. Michael Quinn Sullivan and Charles Blain of join the show to discuss the high stakes elections.
Friday Roundup: October 16, 2020
What is at stake this November for Texans as we head to the polls?
Catholic Charities of Fort Worth Enabling Illegal Aliens?
The organization is helping illegal aliens obtain citizenship and handing out millions in taxpayer money to them.
9/6/24 Dade Phelan Hires Rick Perry
US Rep. Chip Roy Outlines How the Biden-Harris Border Crisis Is Affecting America
The Texas Republican’s report outlines multiple ways illegal aliens have harmed American cities and citizens.
Texas Spent $221 Million Busing Illegal Aliens Out of State
Taxpayers bore the costs of paying bus companies to transport illegal aliens north.