Now that the Texas Legislature has adjourned sine die, we’re excited to present the 2019 Fiscal Responsibility Index!
This year the Index was more exhaustive than ever—including 170 votes in the House and 149 votes in the Texas Senate. Every issue and vote included on the Index, as well as the grading methodology, was publicly noted in advance.
Just like in Texas schools, a “passing” grade is a 70 percent or higher—anything short of that is a failing grade.
But with a legislative session relatively short on results, most lawmakers didn’t make the grade.
In the Texas House, lawmakers averaged an Index rating of 43.9 percent with House Republicans averaging 60.0 percent and House Democrats averaging 23.9 percent.
But what about your legislator?
Most likely, he didn’t score high marks. Indeed, of 180 lawmakers receiving ratings, only a total of 7 received a grade of 90 percent or above and the distinction of being named Taxpayer Champions.
And of those same 180, only 30 earned passing grades!
If you’re interested in finding out more about how your lawmaker performed, what votes we considered, or how the Index works, be sure to visit and watch the video below to see how Brandon Waltens and I broke it all down.
And once you are informed and equipped with information on how your legislator voted, be sure your family and friends are likewise prepared to hold their lawmaker accountable.
After all, the next election is only 271 days away. Does your lawmaker deserve your vote?