Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against multiple agencies and individuals in the Biden administration to curb their ploy to redefine the word “sex” in the workplace.

In late April of this year, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued a guidance that would effectively redefine the meaning of “sex” in Title XII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

This would effectively prohibit employers from regulating bathroom usage and dress codes based on biological sex and would instead require them to make accommodations based on “gender identity,” according to a press release by the Texas attorney general.

However, back in the fall of 2022, the EEOC issued similar guidance that attempted to force Texas to allow bathroom, locker room, shower, and pronoun usage based on gender identity rather than biological sex.

Paxton and Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller successfully worked to defend the state of Texas from the implementation of the guidance and from the Biden administration’s efforts to redefine “sex” policies in the workplace were subsequently struck down by a District Court in early October of that year.

Now, Paxton argues that the current situation is strikingly similar.

“Yet again the Biden Administration is trying to circumvent the democratic process by issuing sweeping mandates from the desks of bureaucrats that would fundamentally reshape American law,” he said.

“Texas will not stand by while Biden ignores court orders forbidding such actions and will we hold the federal government accountable at every turn.”

The lawsuit requests that the Court vacate the illegal guidance by exercising declaratory judgment. He is also requesting injunctive relief that would block the Biden administration from continuing to flout American law through the implementation of woke gender policies.

Will Biagini

Will currently serves as the Field Reporter with Texas Scorecard. He was born in Louisiana and graduated from Florida State University.