Texans for Fiscal Responsibility is pleased to present local government endorsements for the upcoming election on Saturday, May 7th, 2016. Early voting for this year’s cycle will be held Monday, April 25th through Tuesday, May 3rd. Dates regarding elections in Texas can be found at the Secretary of State’s website.

TFR’s local endorsements were made based on candidate questionnaires, personal interviews, and feedback from Regional Advisory Boards in each county.

“Due to the vast number of races across North Texas, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility worked closely with Regional Advisory Boards made up citizens to identify pro-taxpayer candidates running in contested races,” said Ross Kecseg, who heads the TFR’s Metroplex Bureau. “Our local bureau relies heavily on the insight of engaged citizens who have a working knowledge of the issues facing their own communities.”


Victoria Farrar-MyersPlace 7City of Arlington
Richard NewtonMayorCity of Colleyville
Tammy NakamuraPlace 1City of Colleyville
Bobby LindamoodPlace 2City of Colleyville
Sara BagheriPlace 6City of Denton
Randy SchackmannCumulativeCarrollton/Farmers Branch ISD
Dustin MarshallDistrict 2Dallas ISD
Steve NoskinPlace 2Frisco ISD
Dorothy ZimmermannDistrict 3Dallas County CCD

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