A shocking video has emerged of a recent incident where an antifa cell showed up at the home of Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk:

The black-clad operatives can be seen holding signs reading, “Debt forgiveness 4 all debt incurred during the economic crisis,” “End eviction for non-payment,” and “Half-rent for all workers making <$100k per year.” But the alleged demands appear to be a smokescreen. The objective is intimidation.

While economic demands are the proximate “cause” of this incident, the real discontent against Cronk is thought to stem from issues surrounding policing. Last year, the Democrat-run Austin City Council cut the local police department budget by one-third (roughly $150 million), causing predictable results (violent crime has already surged to record numbers in 2021). In addition, the council passed several other “reforms” to the department.

Sources around city hall speculate that Cronk, despite being rather left-leaning, may not support these changes to the department and that antifa is upset that city officials are not moving quickly enough in defunding the police.

Regardless, the antifa cell’s opinion of Cronk was further evidenced earlier this year when far-left activists placed an initiative on the Austin May ballot to abolish the office of the city manager. The initiative failed by a record-setting 72 points, by a vote of 86-14.

Of course, as the city’s chief bureaucrat, Cronk has no policymaking authority of his own.

Currently, no Austin City Council member, Mayor Steve Adler, nor any local news stations appear to have publicly commented or reported on the antifa incident at Cronk’s home.

Adam Cahn

Adam is a longtime conservative activist and an avid UT and Yankees fan.