On May 5, Cedar Park residents finally had their say in a critical local election, and elected conservatives to all three of the open city council seats.
Residents chose Mike Guevara, Mel Kirkland, and Dorian Chavez to represent them on the city council. The three won by margins ranging from 54-57 percent over their progressive opponents Patrick Walz, Michael Thompson, and Shellie-Hays McMahon. Additionally, residents elected incumbent city council member Corbin Van Arsdale as the new mayor.
The election was critical for Cedar Park. After progressives won two city council seats last year, the three open spots this year had the potential to shift city hall in a more liberal direction. In a previous report, Texas Scorecard detailed the implications of such an ideological shift.
The election garnered attention from officials across the state, including from Austin City Council and even the governor’s office.
Guevara, Kirkland, and Chavez campaigned on a conservative platform of lower taxes and limited government. Both policies would have positive impacts on residents and businesses alike.
Now that the candidates have been elected, it is their job to make policy decisions in-line with their stated beliefs, and the residents’ role to keep them accountable.