I’m really excited about two incredible individuals who will be challenging incumbent Democrats in the 2008 general election.
The first is Connie Scott, who will challenge Abel Herrero in HD 34. She is a proven leader, having been engaged in the tort reform movement for a decade. I’ve had the chance to meet with her on several occasions. She is passionate about conservative ideals and is absolutely committed to putting every ounce of her energy into the race. What’s more, she has the ability to inspire everyone around her to do likewise.
The second Corpus Christi challenger is Raul Torres, taking on Solomon Ortiz Jr. in HD 34. A CPA, Torres understands the negative impact a growing government and sky-rocketing property taxes is having on the economy. He’ll bring much-need fiscal sense to the Legislature. Like Connie, he is ready to pound the pavement, meet voters and challenge the grow-government crowd.