An illegal alien from Honduras who has a history of sexual assault was apprehended after attempting to re-enter the United States. 

Mario Roberto Ochoa Zapat was among a group of four illegal aliens that entered Texas at El Paso. The group was arrested by U.S. Border Patrol agents. 

According to Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens, Zapat is an aggravated felon who was arrested in 2011 for second-degree rape. He was previously sentenced to 14 years in prison. 

“The Honduran national will face prosecution for his illegal re-entry,” Owens said. 

Violent criminal aliens are continuing to invade the United States via Texas’ southwest land border. Emilio Jose Pena-Casilla, for example, was recently apprehended by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement and Removal Operations in Boston and was charged with kidnapping and sex crimes. 

Pena-Casilla, 46, is originally from the Dominican Republic. He was first apprehended at the beginning of 2023 after illegally crossing the border at Eagle Pass. He was released on an order of recognizance. 

An immigration detainer was lodged against Pena-Casilla on July 17 after he was arraigned for kidnapping and rape. 

According to ICE, the Dorchester District Court ignored the immigration detainer and Pena-Casilla was released on bail with GPS conditions the following day. On Sept. 11, he was indicted by the Suffolk County Superior Court. Two days later, the Dorchester District Court dismissed the charges. 

He remains in ICE’s ERO custody. 

“Emilio Jose Pena-Casilla stands accused of some very serious offenses against a Massachusetts resident,” acting Field Office Director Patricia H. Hyde of ERO Boston stated. “We hold a sacred duty to protect the residents of our communities, and we will continue to do so by apprehending and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from our neighborhoods.” 

“Today, another victim in Massachusetts no longer needs to fear their predator,” Hyde continued. 

Will Biagini

Will currently serves as the Field Reporter with Texas Scorecard. He was born in Louisiana and graduated Florida State University.