Mexico is developing a mobile app that will allow illegal aliens to alert both relatives and local consulates if they think they are about to be detained in the United States. 

Mexican Foreign Secretary Juan Ramón de la Fuente announced the app’s development during a December 27 press conference. Fuente said the emergency notification app will officially launch in January. 

According to Fox News, the app—called “Alert Button”—will allow users to send an alert notification to either a previously chosen relative or a local consulate. There are currently 53 local consulates across the United States. 

“In case you find yourself in a situation where detention is imminent, you push the alert button and that sends a signal to the nearest consulate,” Fuente said before noting that small-scale testing has already appeared to be successful. 

The foreign secretary said that the app is aimed at ensuring that Mexican illegal aliens “know their rights” before they are deported. 

An official press release states that Fuente assured Mexican citizens illegally in the United States that deportation is not a simple, one-step process. 

He stated that deportation requires a court order, a final deportation order, or a removal order—and that the consular team will make sure that due process is followed. 

“We are also making extensive efforts to encourage all those with children born in the United States to register them with the consulates,” Fuente said. “Not everyone has done this yet. We strongly encourage everyone to register with our consulates as this enables us to provide legal protection when needed.” 

The foreign ministry’s press release also advocated on behalf of Mexican illegal aliens squatting on United States property—stating that they provide a valuable workforce to both nations’ economies. 

“According to U.S. figures from two years ago, undocumented Mexicans contributed approximately 42.6 billion dollars in taxes, while Mexican migrants as a whole contributed close to 121.5 billion dollars,” read the press release. 

However, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steven Camarota concluded that illegal aliens are a net fiscal drain. Specifically, they receive more money in government services than they pay in taxes. 

Will Biagini

Will currently serves as the Field Reporter with Texas Scorecard. He was born in Louisiana and graduated Florida State University.