Gov. Greg Abbott has issued an executive order directing all Texas state agencies to eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, reinforcing the principle of equal treatment for all Texans regardless of race.

“DEI agendas divide us rather than unite us and have no place in the state of Texas,” Abbott stated in his announcement. “These radical policies deviate from constitutional principles and deny diverse thought. Every Texan is equal under the law, including the state and federal Constitutions, both of which prohibit government discrimination based on race. That is why I directed all state agencies to eliminate any form of DEI attempting to divide Texans. We must always reject race-based favoritism or discrimination and allow people to advance based on talent and merit.”

The order builds on legislative action taken last session when the Texas Legislature passed and Abbott signed into law Senate Bill 17, which bans DEI practices at Texas public institutions of higher education.

However, since the law went into effect, Texas Scorecard has reported on multiple instances of DEI still seeping its way into the state’s public universities. Texas A&M University, for example, was set to sponsor a DEI conference that barred white and Asian students from attending. The university backed down after Abbott threatened to fire Texas A&M President Mark Welsh.

Abbott’s latest directive mirrors a similar order by President Donald Trump issued last week, which aims to end “radical and wasteful government DEI programs and preferencing” in federal agencies.

Brandon Waltens

Brandon serves as the Senior Editor for Texas Scorecard. After managing successful campaigns for top conservative legislators and serving as a Chief of Staff in the Texas Capitol, Brandon moved outside the dome in order to shine a spotlight on conservative victories and establishment corruption in Austin. @bwaltens