A new poll from the University of Texas’ Government Department and the Texas Politics project finds Texans are underwhelmed by their public schools. The pollsters asked what Texans thought of the “quality of K-12 public school education.” Result: 49 percent said “not very good” or “terrible,” 44 percent said “good” or “excellent,” and — remarkably — 5% didn’t know.
Here’s how the poll question (#24) is worded and the responses:
Would you say that the quality of K-12 public school education in Texas is:
4% Excellent
42% Good
38% Not very good
11% Terrible
5% Don’t know/Refused/NA
And for that we have increased public education spending in Texas 50 percent since 1997.
What’s the solution, Mr. & Mrs. Texas? More money? Nope. The same survey said an overwhelming majority prefer “accountability.”